Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Great, Sudsy Goodness.

Savon de Marseille

I love soap!! Big square bars, small cubes, round and even sometimes heart shaped soaps. When ever I look at a bar of creamy, fragrant yumminess it makes me imagine the kind of woman that would use that particular type of soap. Also, I am a sucker for packaging, I've bought countless jars and boxes of "stuff" just because of the packaging.

[birds.JPG]Bird bath boxed set of 4 PopInk Soaps



Images from Anthropologie

Image from Larissa Nahhaus Designs

I also found these wonderful gift tags on the PaperEclectiques Etsy store.


Set of 6 Vintage Paris Shabby Chic Soap Labels

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Structural love.

I have a bit of a nerdy secret... I absolutely love buildings!!! Old, new, straight or wonky, something about them just draws me in. I wonder what the designer was thinking during the design process, did aesthetics  come before function or is it a wonderful combination of both?   Today, I would like to share a few images from my time in Dubai.



I love the straight lines of this old building. It was constructed for beauty and function - the slim colums send up heat and keep the inside really cool, even during the hottest periods. The markings outside this old library are reproduced a few times around the building and I wish I knew what they meant.  Simplicity and beauty!!!


And to end this post, how about something cute that you probably don't see so often. 
