Sunday, March 25, 2012

DVF.... Oh how I love thee !

Today,  I took another step towards becoming "that Mom". You know, the one you roll your eyes at and tell your friends that you will never, ever upon pain of death become. Yes, I plan to wear matching outfits with my toddler daughter, gulp!

Look, don't judge me. What's cuter than a stylish mother - daughter duo in complementary skinny jeans and Uggs? I haven't actually done that yet, I'm waiting till she doesn't outgrow things every other month. But the new Gap Collection by DVF is calling me like baked goods to an Atkins devotee.  Feast your eyes, mortals !

And my little one and I will be wearing this, sitting outside and enjoying the summer:

Its selling out like mad, so I better get shopping pronto !

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